CPA Plus Frequently Asked Questions
CPA Plus does it’s best to keep the costs for all clubs at an affordable rate. As part of its public charter structure, CPA Plus does not receive specialized funding to subsidize the costs assessed for each program. There are times when the price may increase due to the negotiated cost that CPA Plus must pay providers for partnership and club facilitation. The cost per session ranges between $10-$15 per [2 hour] session when you break the fee down. For instance, a club that consists of 20 sessions and costs $200.00 for the semester is only $10.00 per session. Quality internal and community partnerships, as well as efficient enrichment opportunities for students is a priority for CPA Plus. In order to continue accomplishing these goals, it’s required to assess a monetary structure to support operational needs.
Visit and click on “CPA Plus”. The menu will provide you with the program categories. Click on the categories to explore the programs. Remember to carefully review the program details, as they differ with each program (i.e. start date, time, min/max registration, etc.).
You will find a registration link in red under the program description to register for each program. Following registration, you will receive an electronic invoice that includes description of what you registered for and instruction on how to make payment through an external payment source (CHECK SPAM FOLDER).
Each caregiver will be invoiced and have access to their invoices, registration, and payment history. This information can be located on the electronic invoice that is emailed. It is the responsibility of the caregivers to provide a valid email address on each registration form, as invoices will be emailed to caregivers. Exceptions will not be made after late fees are assessed. Unpaid balances will also impact student participation with current and future programs.

CPA Plus Policies
“Initial Payment” Policy:
Please note that if the initial payment is not made by the deadline, families automatically forfeit their student’s seat and the seat will be given to the next available student on the waitlist.
“Final Payment” Policy:
If the final payment is not received by deadline, student participation will be suspended. Students can return to participate in the program once the balance is paid. If a balance is not paid by the end of the school year, accounts will be forwarded to collections and future registration will not be permitted until the balance is cleared.
Late Registration Policy:
Late registration is when a student is registered after the program begins. While permitted if seats are available, deadline adjustments for the final payment will not be made for late registrations. The initial payment is due according to the deadline provided through electronic invoice.
Pro-rate Policy:
Full program price will be assessed at all times. CPA Plus does not pro-rate costs according to the time of registration.
Drop-In Policy:
Planned Drop-In Policy: For your convenience, CPA Plus allows for unregistered CPA Plus participants to attend sessions on a drop-in basis at $25/day. See the “Drop-In” tab from the drop-down menu for registration and information. Families must register separately for each date that a student drops in. Payment is typically made upon pick-up or an electronic invoice will be provided. Please note that a 15% late fee will be assessed if payment is not made within 1 week of the drop-in date.
Unplanned Drop-In Policy:
If a student is not picked up by the end of the school day (3:30p), CPA Plus will supervise the student until 6:00 pm. The charge for supervision is $25/session for each individual student. Families will be invoiced. Please note that a 15% late fee will be assessed if payment is not made within 1 week of drop in date.
Late Pick-Up:
Please note the dismissal times of the programs you have selected. Caregivers are responsible for picking students up on time at the conclusion of the program. A 5-minute grace period will be assessed to accommodate for unexpected events. If you believe you’ll be later than 5-minutes please call the front desk (240)696-3206.
A late fee of $25.00 will be issued for families that arrive after 6:05pm.
If you have not contacted CPA Plus by 7 pm, CPA Plus will have to notify the police.