Student Government
High School Student Government Association (SGA)
SGA, a student-led organization, consists of elected and appointed students who advocate for the student body and offer varied strategies to build community. The board members, which consist of president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, peacekeeper, and the appointed events coordinator, paired with the two elected student representatives from each class design and implement events and initiatives to enhance students’ high school experiences. Events in the past have included homecoming, Class Night, Brain Games, field trips. Initiatives have included raising awareness for mental health and advocating for student needs during distance learning. SGA members are considered role models in their roles as liaisons between the administration and the student body. Students work closely with the adviser and administration, but all events and activities are the direct result of student ideas, planning, and implementation. As part of SGA, students take part in Prince George’s Regional Association of Student Governments (PGRASG) and Maryland Association of Student Councils (MASC) through meetings and working with students from other schools on topics such as social justice, uniforms, and the PGCPS attendance policy. Through SGA students have access to workshops to grow leadership skills.
Adviser: Rebekah Benson-Flannery

Middle School Student Government Association (SGA)
The Middle School SGA is comprised of Class representatives from co-horts in Grades 6-8. The meetings are weekly, on Wednesdays, from 11:30-12:30. There are 4 Committees: Social/Spirit, Fundraising, Outreach and Announcements. The SGA addresses issues that students bring up, and with support from Mr. Baker, the issues are addressed and discussed. There are plans for School-wide activities and outreach to the community. The Announcement Committee will be making announcements to administrative homerooms on a weekly basis. Middle School SGA is working on many projects in coordination with the High School SGA.